Witnessing The Death Of A Loved One: When To Consider Trauma Therapy

The death of a loved one is a scenario that is never easy to embrace. However, experiencing the traumatic or horrific death of a loved one can be especially harrowing to cope with. For some people, the result of this type of experience can surface as anxiety, depression, and even PTSD in some situations. While grieving is a natural process, it's essential to know when you might need professional help to move forward.

Ownership for Their Death

When you love someone, it's natural to want to do everything in your power to help them. At the time of your loved one's death, you likely felt no different. While it's normal to feel like you wish you could have done more to change the course of events, taking ownership for their death and feeling like it's your fault is not healthy, and is something that should be addressed with a therapist. 

Declined Work or School Performance

It's typical for people to gradually return to some sense of normalcy, in terms of school and work, after the death of a loved one. While everyone will move at their own pace, the matter does become a bit concerning when a person is unable to meet deadlines or function within their professional role, even after a considerable amount of time has passed. This type of behavior is a serious red flag and might serve as a sign that you're struggling to move forward.

Debilitating Flashbacks

Many people that witness the death of someone they are close to might have flashbacks from time-to-time, or mentally relive the moment. However, when these flashbacks are debilitating in that you feel strong emotional feelings or experience physical symptoms, such as excessive swelling or feel overwhelmed by your thoughts, it's a good idea to talk to someone who can help you work through the matter. Continuing to relive the moment and experience these flashbacks is not healthy, especially in the long run. 

Lifestyle Changes

Making lifestyle changes that help you avoid any signs of your loved one's death is also a sign that you don't want to ignore. For example, if the death occurred at a close family member's home, and the surviving family member decides to no longer visit the house, this type of behavior can be concerning. It's normal to take steps not to have to experience the same sense of intense grief again but changing your lifestyle to avoid these feelings is not.

Grieving is a natural consequence of death, but this factor does not mean that you don't need help to make it through this process. Speak with trauma therapy services near you to learn more. 

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About Me

Working With Counselors Every Day For a long time, I wasn't sure if my counseling was really working or not. It felt like no matter what I did, I just couldn't stay on top of my personal frustrations, so I started addressing those concerns with my counselor. I was able to find a counselor who really understood what I was up against, and it was really neat to talk with her about everything that I was having a hard time with. We chatted about everything in my life ranging from the initial issues I started having to my daily struggles at work, and I felt like those early talks were helping a lot. On this blog, find out more about working with counselors and making things right.



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